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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Work As One 12/22/19 Work As One Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun AM Working_as_One_Eph._4.1-16.pdf 12-22-19_AM_Work_as_One.MP3
The Mystery of God's Plan 12/15/19 The Mystery of God's Plan Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun PM The_Mystery_of_Gods_Plan_3.1-13.pdf 12-15-19_PM_The_Mystery_of_Gods_Plan.MP3
One In Christ 12/15/19 One In Christ Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun AM One_In_Christ_Eph._2.11-22.pdf 12-15-19_AM_One_In_Christ.MP3
The Power of God's Grace 12/08/19 The Power of God's Grace Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun PM The_Power_of_Gods_Grace_Eph_1.15-2.10.pdf 12-8-19_PM_The_Power_of_Gods_Grace.MP3
The Shower of God's Grace 12/08/19 The Shower of God's Grace Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun AM 12-8-19_AM_The_Shower_of_Gods_Grace.MP3 The_Shower_of_Gods_Grace_Eph._1.3-14.pdf
Ephesians Read-Thru and Intro 12/01/19 Ephesians Read-Thru and Intro Emerson Brown Ephesians Sun PM Ephesians_-_Introduction.pdf 12-1-19_PM_Ephesians_-_Read_Thru_and_Intro.MP3
A Prayer for Growth 12/01/19 A Prayer for Growth Emerson Brown 2019 Focus - Growing Upward Together Sun AM A_Prayer_for_Growth.pdf 12-1-19_AM_A_Prayer_for_Growth.MP3
The Thief on the Cross 11/24/19 The Thief on the Cross Emerson Brown N/A Sun AM The_Thief_on_the_Cross.pdf 11-24-19_AM_The_Thief_on_the_Cross.MP3
Daniel 10-12 11/17/19 Daniel 10-12 Emerson Brown Daniel Sun PM Daniel_10-12.pdf 11-17-19_PM_Daniel_10-12.MP3
Qualities for Elders - Proven Character 11/17/19 Qualities for Elders - Proven Character Emerson Brown Shepherds for God's Flock Sun AM 11-17-19_AM_Elder_Qualities_-_Proven_Character.MP3 Qualities_of_Elders_-_Part_2.pdf

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