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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Gratitude 12/30/18 Gratitude Robert Smelser N/A Sun AM 12-30-18_AM_Gratitude.MP3
The Kingdom Community 12/23/18 The Kingdom Community Emerson Brown Matthew Sun PM 12-23-18_PM_The_Kingdom_Community.MP3
The Glory of the King 12/23/18 The Glory of the King Emerson Brown Matthew Sun AM 12-23-18_AM_The_Glory_of_The_King.MP3
Jesus, Peter, and the Church 12/16/18 Jesus, Peter, and the Church Emerson Brown Matthew Sun PM 12-16-18_PM_Jesus_Peter_and_the_Church.MP3 14_-_Jesus_Peter_and_the_Church.pptx
Brotherly Love: A Finale 12/16/18 Brotherly Love: A Finale Emerson Brown 2018 Focus - Brotherly Love Sun AM 12-16-18_class_Revelation_17-18-1545147843.mp3
Mephibosheth 12/09/18 Mephibosheth Scott Armstrong N/A Sun PM 12-9-18_PM_Mephibosheth.MP3
Demonstrating God's Wisdom Through Our Families 12/09/18 Demonstrating God's Wisdom Through Our Families Ben Johnson N/A Sun AM 12-9-18_AM_Demonstrating_Gods_Wisdom_Thru_our_Families.MP3
Making God's Will Our Priority 12/02/18 Making God's Will Our Priority Ben Johnson N/A Sun PM 12-2-18_PM_Making_Gods_Will_Our_Priority.MP3
Why Jesus Came - In His Own Words 12/02/18 Why Jesus Came - In His Own Words Kevin Colvin N/A Sun AM Why_Jesus_Came.pptx Why_Jesus_Came.In_His_Own_Words.key 12-2-18_AM_Why_Jesus_Came_-_In_His_Own_Words.MP3
Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times 11/25/18 Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times Emerson Brown N/A Sun AM 11-25-18_AM_Finding_Certainty_in_an_Uncertain_Time.MP3

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