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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
God Justifies the Guilty 11/12/23 God Justifies the Guilty Emerson Brown Sermon Romans Sun AM God_Justifies_the_Guilty_-_Romans_3.pdf 11-12AM.mp3
The Hope of Glory 11/10/23 The Hope of Glory Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting Christ in You Gospel Meeting 5_-_The_Hope_of_Glory2.mp3 5._Christ_in_You.Hope_for_Glory.pdf
Christ in Us 11/09/23 Christ in Us Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting Christ in You Gospel Meeting 4._Christ_in_Us.pdf 4_-_Christ_in_Us2.mp3
Holy Living 11/08/23 Holy Living Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting Christ in You Gospel Meeting 3_-_Holy_Living2.mp3 3._Christ_in_You.Holy_Living.pdf
Threats to Christ in You 11/07/23 Threats to Christ in You Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting Christ in You Gospel Meeting 2_-_Threats_to_Christ_in_You2.mp3 2._Christ_in_You.Threats.pdf
Christ in You 11/06/23 Christ in You Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting Christ in You Gospel Meeting 1_-_Christ_in_You.mp3 1._Christ_in_You.pdf
Sexuality and the Bible 11/05/23 Sexuality and the Bible Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM Sexuality_and_the_Bible.pdf 11-5PM_Meeting.mp3
Peace in the Church 11/05/23 Peace in the Church Mark McCrary Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM 2-Peace_in_the_local_church.pdf 11-5AM_Meeting.mp3
The Remnant 10/29/23 The Remnant Mike Johnson Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-29AM.mp3
How the Church Isn't Like a Family 10/22/23 How the Church Isn't Like a Family Emerson Brown Sermon N/A Sun PM 10-22PM.mp3 How_the_Church_Isnt_Like_a_Family.pdf

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