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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Belief Based on Objective Testimony 04/28/24 Belief Based on Objective Testimony Rick Liggin Sermon Crucified and Raised - The Heart of the Gospel Gospel Meeting 4-28AM_Gospel_Meeting.mp3 04_Belief_Based_on_Objective_Testimony--PP.pdf
The Heart of the Gospel 04/27/24 The Heart of the Gospel Rick Liggin Sermon Crucified and Raised - The Heart of the Gospel Gospel Meeting 4-27_Gospel_Meeting_missing_part_of_intro.mp3 02_Crucified_and_Raised--The_Heart_of_the_Gospel--PP.pdf
The Fundamentals of the Gospel 04/26/24 The Fundamentals of the Gospel Rick Liggin Sermon Crucified and Raised - The Heart of the Gospel Gospel Meeting 4-26_Gospel_Meeting.mp3 01_The_Fundamentals_of_the_Gospel--PP.pdf
Water in God's Amazing Story 04/21/24 Water in God's Amazing Story Emerson Brown Sermon God's Amazing Story Sun AM Water_in_Gods_Amazing_Story.pdf 4-21AM.mp3
Sports Betting 04/14/24 Sports Betting Emerson Brown Sermon N/A Sun PM Sports_Betting.pdf 4-14PM.mp3
Love God With All Your Heart, Like Jesus Did 04/07/24 Love God With All Your Heart, Like Jesus Did Emerson Brown Sermon N/A Sun PM 4-7PM.mp3
When the Sun Goes Dark 04/07/24 When the Sun Goes Dark Emerson Brown Sermon N/A Sun AM When_the_Sun_Goes_Dark.pdf 4-7AM.mp3
How Do We Train Our Children? 03/31/24 How Do We Train Our Children? Steve Smith Sermon N/A Sun AM 3-31AM.mp3
Christians and the World 03/24/24 Christians and the World Emerson Brown Sermon N/A Sun PM 3-24PM.mp3
God's Chosen Leaders - Peter 03/24/24 God's Chosen Leaders - Peter Emerson Brown Sermon Shepherds for God's Flock Sun AM 3-24AM.mp3 Gods_Chosen_Leaders_-_Peter.pdf

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